Below are important links to sites that are relevant to the Cave Conservancy of the Virginias:
- Virginia Cave Board and DCR – Conserve, protect, enhance and advo-cate wise use of the commonwealth’s unique natural, historical, recreational, scenic and cultural resources.
- The National Speleological Society (NSS) – With 10,000 members and 250 grottos (chapters), the National Speleological Society is the largest organization in the world working every day to further the exploration, study, and protection of caves and their environments, and foster fellowship among cavers.
- Appalachian Cave Conservancy ACC – The Appalachian Cave Conservancy, formerly known as the Perkins Cave Conservation and Management Society, is a Conservancy of the National Speleological Society.
- Virginia Speleological Society (VSS) – The purpose of this Website is to help facilitate our work of recording, preserving, and protecting the caves and karst resources of Virginia. It is also intended to provide general information about the caves and karst resources of Virginia and to provide a convenient medium for interacting with, and exchanging information between, the VSS Directors, Virginia Region cavers, cave owners, and the general public.
- The West Virginia Cave Conservancy (WVCC) – The West Virginia Cave Conservancy (WVCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving and protecting important cave and karst resources of the Virginias for future generations.
- Valley Conservation Council – Valley Conservation Council promotes land use that sustains the farms, forests, open spaces, and cultural heritage of the Shenandoah Valley region of Virginia. (Note that CCV is a member of the Valley Conservation Council).